Discover worklife worklife blog brings you labor market news and best practices. Discover tricks for professional and career challenges.
Fresh news

How to REALLY find an internship?
How to secure an internship position in tight competition with other internship applicants? Read more in the article.

I got laid off, how to move forward?
A huge part of who we are is tied to our career identity. Despite this, a sudden layoff can strike any of us. Regardless of how well you prepare, being

How to get feedback when applying for a job?‘s 2022 survey reveals that job seekers do not receive enough feedback during the application process. How can you extract feedback from employers and turn it to your advantage? We

How to figure out your salary expectation?
Talking about money is still an uncomfortable or embarrassing topic for many. Despite this, these conversations must be had more than once in a lifetime. Salary expectations are asked when

How to prepare for a job interview?
Research shows that assessing a candidate’s suitability relies heavily on the job interview. An interview allows the employer to meet the candidate personally, ask clarifying questions, and understand whether the

Motivational letter example
Motivation letter example and a guide prepared by recruitment specialists. A guide on how to create an outstanding motivation letter.

How to write a CV + Example
CV example and guide by recruitment specialists. A guide on how to create an attractive CV that stands out.

What to consider when choosing a recruitment agency in Estonia?
Selecting a recruitment agency in Estonia requires careful consideration. Which factors to keep in mind when making your decision? Learn more

What should a start-up company keep in mind to avoid hiring mistakes?
An organization’s greatest asset is its people and hiring mistakes are costly. How to avoid wrong decisions? Read more!

7 recruiting mistakes and how to avoid them
Recruiting mistakes can lead to short-term, stressful and costly employment relationships for the company. Read more how to avoid them!

7 tips for posting a job ad on a job portal
There are many different ways for posting a job ad on a job portal. Do it effectively with’s tips. Read more! recruitment services: Which service to choose?
Elevate your hiring with’s tailored recruitment services. Find your ideal candidates effortlessly. Read more!
Career advice

Motivatsioonikirja näidis
Motivatsioonikirja näidis ja koostamise juhend värbamisspetsialistide poolt. Juhend, kuidas luua silmapaistev motivatsioonikiri.

CV näidis
CV näidis ja CV koostamise juhend värbamisspetsialistide poolt. Juhend, kuidas luua atraktiivne CV, mis paistab silma.

Kaaskirja näidis
Kaaskirja näidis ja koostamise juhend värbamisspetsialistide poolt. Siit leiad juhendi, kuidas luua silmapaistev kaaskiri.

Kuidas valmistuda töövestluseks
Siit leiad soovitused, kuidas valmistuda töövestluseks. Lisaks tutvustame töövestluse kuldreegleid.
Business blog

Kuidas leida rohkem kandidaate CRO projekti abil
CRO on turunduslik termin, mille mõistmine võib aidata värbajatel vastata küsimusele – kuidas leida rohkem kandidaate.

Töökuulutus sotsiaalmeedias laiendab kandideerijate ringi
Otsite uut töötajat ja soovite leida võimalikult palju sobivaid kandidaate? Töökuulutus sotsiaalmeedias võib olla sobiv kanal täiendavate silmapaarideni jõudmiseks.

Kandidaate napib? Avalik palganumber töökuulutuses paneb inimesed kandideerima
Oled loonud ägeda töökuulutuse ning pakkuda on justkui palju, kuid kandidaate selle peale kohale ei ilmu? Loe, mida sellises olukorras teha!

7 nippi töökuulutuse sisestamiseks tööportaali
Efektiivse töökuulutuse sisestamiseks on erinevaid võimalusi. Lisaks üldisele läbimõeldud sisule tuleks tähele panna ka nõuandeid.